I provide workshops and training in person and online on a variety of topics, such as grief, trauma, addiction, anxiety, spirituality, and mental health.

These are for public, lay-people, and professionals seeking to increase their knowledge and understanding and connect with community.


If you are isolated, busy or unable to access help and support in person, my Online Programs may be for you. They are an inexpensive way to get help fast.

Online Programs offer up-to-date education and support on various topics, and can assist you in your healing journey and growth. Topics may include Grief and Loss, Spiritual Growth, Suicide, etc.

Each Online Program consists of a series of learning modules that are delivered weekly by email. There are typically between 10 and 12 modules per Online Program, each Program is about 10 or 12 weeks in duration.

Materials may include a combination of videos and readings, and there is usually a workbook with questions and prompts to help guide you through the learning process. Online Programs are designed for weekly use. If you fall behind, the material will continue to be delivered weekly but you can work at your own pace. The material delivered is never excessive in quantity and requires a minimum of one hour per week, or more if you’re keen. 

Once you have signed-up and purchased your online program, the first module will be delivered, one week later the second module will arrive, and so on until all the modules have been delivered.

Online Programs do not include live interaction with Roy.

If you are experiencing technical challenges, you will have a technical assistance contact to help you get back online.


From time to time I provide workshops and training in person on a variety of topics, such as grief, trauma, addiction, anxiety, spirituality and mental health.

Some workshops are free while others are provided for a fee.

These are for public, lay-people, and professionals seeking to increase their knowledge and understanding and connect with community.